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Security Assessment

Understand Your Stance on Security

Let's Start

Make security quantifiable and sensible for your organization

Elegant Security Evaluation enables you to require a proactive, head-on approach to dispensing with hazard.

Pick up exceptional knowledge into your current security position and a guide with comprehensive proposals for fortifying powerless ranges.

Benefits of a Security Assessment

Predict security threats

Proactively distinguish exposures all through your environment and get it how they affect your organization

Assess security controls

Test safeguard viability and settle on informed spending choices based on chance to individual units inside your association

Communicate risk clearly and effectively

Present gamble investigation with regards to key resources, functional regions, consistence orders, and business goals

Plan for the future

Pick up understanding into assembly compliance necessities and long-term security administration

Validate critical vulnerabilities

Increment proficiency, pinpointing basic dangers through infiltration testing

Analyze web application vulnerabilities

Decrease hazard and minimize improvement investing by identifying exposures some time recently go-live

Retain a competitive edge

Get it what your venture in security “buys” you and how that compares with what your competitors spend
  • A Eligant Security Evaluation goes more in-depth by:

  • Analyzing how data is spread on the commercial and dark web. Is there data spillage that can be utilized against an organization?

    Searching for any kind of administrations that may be breached. Firewalls, switches, switches, remote systems, Inaccessible Desktop Benefit (RDS). Are they all hardened and arranged to best hones?

    Evaluating confirmation components for arrangement of best hones.

    Giving a point by point guide and suggestions to reinforce your security, remediate chance and meet administrative necessities.
