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Microsoft 365 Security Review

Comprehend the security holes in a Microsoft 365 climate

Microsoft 365
Let's Start

Managed Detection and Response

As your cloud impression develops, taking more time to get the Microsoft 365 climate, previously Office 365, is pivotal.

Regular programmers are getting more complex and searching for their next target. To forestall vacation and information misfortune, extra security settings, setups, and additional items should be applied in the Microsoft 365 occupant.

Elegant Microsoft 365 Security Review investigates the Microsoft 365 climate present status, recognizes security powerless regions, and conveys an arrangement for decreasing gamble.

How the Microsoft 365 Security Review Works

The Microsoft 365 Security Review, or Microsoft 365 Security Assessment, is a level expense commitment that thinks about the Microsoft 365 climate in contrast to 29 security controls that are a mix of Elegant do-first controls, Microsoft Secure Score, and industry-standard accepted procedures.

The security controls are separated by risk sway level, from generally basic to least.

Critical Impact Controls:

Multifaceted confirmation, worldwide administrator design, and email insurance

High Impact Controls:

approaches, review logging, and letter drop security

Medium Impact Controls:

Sharing arrangements, spam channels, and dubious movement alarms

Low Impact Controls:

Custom login entry, application control, and mail stream rules

  • Investigation of Microsoft 365 climate by security specialists

  • Comprehend current security holes and shortcomings

  • Get an unmistakable guide for remediation

  • Further develop security across the Microsoft 365 climate
